Health Dharma Course a Complete Success in Amsterdam

The first Guang Huan Mi Zong Health Dharma Course was successfully held from June 26 to 28, 2009. It was offered to the Amsterdam community for free. Participants from all walks of life gathered at the city’s community hall to learn the Guang Huan Mi Zong Health Dharma. They were warmly welcomed by a group of enthusiastic volunteers from across the world. One of the participants admitted that they used to find the dharma practice very mysterious, but they were all truly impressed after the course, and showed a great deal of appreciation to Holy Ziguang Shang Shi for granting them this ancient treasure.

Jennie, the dharma instructor of this course, first explained to participants the uniqueness of this Dharma and its many fast and effective health benefits. She then taught them the Guang Huan Mi Zong Health Dharma. Many of them were amazed at this unprecedented and rewarding experience. On the second day, they brought along their friends and relatives and sent thank you letters about their miraculous experiences.

Linda, who has been suffering for years from asthma and the many side-effects from her medication, said that she felt a lot of heat on her head during the practice and felt so relaxed. After practicing the symptoms of her asthma were reduced so that she could walk for a much longer distance before getting tired.

Laura, a pregnant yoga instructor related her experience to a scene in one of her favorite music videos; it was absolutely an incredible feeling for her. She prepared to share this wonderful experience with her yoga students.

Robert, college professor from Albany, shared with the class that during his practice, he saw himself walking towards the halo’s light in a barley field. He felt a lot of heat blessing him especially when Jennie energized him with her divine dharma instrument.

On the last day of the Course, a 22-year-old woman named Annette was wearing a big smile on her face thanking the volunteers for inviting her to come, as she almost missed the opportunity due to her lack of faith. After the class her knee pain was gone.




一天,我在商場裡看到一張廣告,上面寫著有個“光環密宗三乘瑜伽——一日兩朝三念健康密法”的課程,能快速治療許多疾病。當時我心裡有個聲音說著“去吧”,我馬上決定去試試。第一天修持開始前,我還在使用著我的哮喘噴霧。修持的時候,我感覺到很多能量,看到了紅色、白色的光點在眼前閃動,感覺到光在為我治療有問題的部位。這些感覺和體驗對我而言都是前所有未有的。修持結束後,所有的熱降下,我感到很舒服,而且發現,我不需要再用哮喘噴霧了,我是多麼開心啊! 我的血壓在第一天課程開始前是170/100,第二天降到160/90,最後一天是145/80!多麼不可思議啊!我高興萬分,第二天把女兒帶來了,她修持後發現腳和膝蓋不疼了,整個人也變得比以前開心多了! 以前我覺得自己的身體好像灌了鉛一樣,肩膀上仿佛負了幾噸重的東西,但現在修持一段時間後,我覺得每天都充滿能量,那是一種勢不可擋的感覺——我發現了一個全新的我。萬分感謝你們每個人,我非常享受修持的每一刻,神奇的事正在我的身上發生,相信所有的病苦都會遠離我。再次感謝紫光上師,感謝所有幫助我的人……





