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連日來世尊紫光上師法語甘露的慈悲佈施,幫助眾戒子們重新認識內心外心、內魔外魔,消業除障,淨化身心,端正形象。條件具備的戒子們,懷著誠摯的求戒之心進入莊嚴的大戒壇。 入壇法會上,偉大世尊紫光上師手執法杖,身披猩紅法衣,圓滿殊絕,清淨勝妙,八萬威儀,莊嚴方步邁入西方大佛寺三壇大戒戒壇。瞬間恍若時空轉移,佛陀緩緩步入靈山大戒壇……眾戒子頂禮佛足,首先表達了對紫光上師的悉心培育所付出的心血、加持和護佑的感恩。















慈悲佈施 甘露淨化



















東西方進入了流感高發期,甲型H1N1病毒再度現身…… 2013年1月11日,慈悲偉大世尊紫光上師悲憫眾生,為阻止流感瘟疫蔓延,於西方“聖城”五方佛寺登上法壇為眾導師、主持們傳授“拙火” 修持密法,燃起靈熱,為西方聖地:光環密宗健康聖城燒卻瘟疫病毒,消業除障,淨化法場。




世尊手持無堅不摧之金剛杵,運轉神聖威猛之法鈴,傳授殊勝的“拙火” 法印與無上密咒,調動靈火信息。瞬息之間,眾弟子頓感體內金剛威猛之拙火燃起,火光熊熊,籠罩全身!隨著世尊念動密咒,清淨的紅蓮火蕊運轉手中,修持者們體內靈能愈發旺盛,奔騰燒卻一切潛藏的病毒、雜質汙物!火蕊看似微小如芥子,實則廣大能容須彌之萬物,去蕪存菁,乃是世間最強大有力之真火!

















chiristmas celebration



















紫光上師空前大超度 無量悲心佈施赦億萬

圖/文 光環密宗信息網新聞組























Perfect Wisdom in a Drop of Rain

The drop of rain falls from the sky and onto the earth. It sinks into the ground and nourishes the tree. It passes through the tree, through its veins, through its cells, giving it life, then leaves as a vapor. It rises up to the sky and freezes. It becomes a drop of snow. It falls onto the earth into the soil, it waits for spring and melts, flowing through the ground into the river, from the river into the ocean. The sun shines and that water warms up, becoming a vapor, rising into the sky and becoming a drop of rain once again.

This is the transformation of life, of dharma, of all things. They change form, coming and going, leaving and vanishing. The forms change but the essence is immutable. That drop of water can be defiled by a thousand things, the wastes of the tree, the dirt of the soil, pollution in the sky, the salt of the sea, but as it changes forms it leaves defilement behind and becomes pure once again. It can be consumed, or evaporated, but it is not destroyed, it changes forms countless times, experiences countless things, but for millions and billions of years it will still be water, being soiled and purified over and over again.

As the earth is destroyed that drop of water will no longer exist. Just as it wasn’t really a rain drop, or a snowflake, or a river, it wasn’t really a drop of water, it will break down into atoms, and energy, and transform once again, and flow once again in the realm of space. And when the universe is destroyed it will change again. Never defiled, never destroyed, always flowing and transforming, into realms beyond imagination and conception.

This is the dharma of a drop of rain, the dharma of all things. This is the dharma that can go anywhere, from the heavens to the earth and back again, into space, and beyond the universe. The dharma that be in any place, that can occupy any state, that can be defiled and pure, hot and cold, nourishing and deadly, moving and standing still. This is the dharma that is indestructible, experiencing all states and all positions, but being at all times beyond them. The supreme, the perfect dharma of unassailable wisdom. The truth in all things.

We are the drop of water in the dirt, soiled and confined. That process of finding the river, finding the sea, receiving the sunlight, and becoming light, and pure, finding the sky, doesn’t happen in one moment. It takes time. That drop of water might have many lifetimes before it is released from its form and made new once again, but whatever its outward state, the perfection of its nature never changes.

For us human beings the process of transformation and purification can take many forms and paths. There is one destination and different ways to reach it. And there is one path, that is exceptional, quick, straight, pleasant to walk on, unsurpassable for it effectiveness in transforming and purifying human beings.

This path finds the truth everywhere, the teaching relies on all experience. Thus we can come to see all perception as the path to transforming and purifying ourselves, developing compassion for all beings that are our teachers, and finding hope in all situations that lead to our transfiguration. Isn’t this something good? Something noble? Something excellent? To see the release of suffering everywhere, the path to purification, transformation, and wisdom everywhere, what could surpass it?

There is the formless, and also there is the form. There is an ineffable, ever present reality of inner perfection, and there is an outer world, of words, ideas, experiences. To walk on this path we use the form to reach the formless. Progress is easiest with a guide, someone who has been at your level, and the supreme level, and can help illuminate your journey in between.

The Teaching Reflecting True Perfection

Buddhist Master Holy Ziguang Shang Shi has inherited and refined a powerful system of teachings that can transform the lives of those people who practice them. Originating thousands of years ago in India from Sakyamuni Buddha, this teaching has passes from person to person across the expanses of time and space and is now being offered to anyone who wishes to receive it. In a world full of religious, spiritual, and secular teachers offering us our dreams and often delivering nightmares many of us feel lost or discouraged. The teaching of Guang Huan Mi Zong embraces all true teachings and all people, regardless of their distinctions, differences, beliefs, and sins. For those souls lost in the darkness I give you the promise that this path leads away from error and into righteousness.

When presented with a strange new food first we take look, then a taste, and if all is well then we eat. Reading this work, if you see truth, then come seek out the teachings of Holy Ziguang Shang Shi and take a small taste. If the teachings live up to their promises then you can go further. If the teaching is not right for you, there are many other good paths for you to explore. Those who partake of the true teachings with faith and devotion will find the hungers that have tormented them all their lives have finally been satisfied. The weight they have carried will be lifted, and the confined space they have lived in will give way to the expanse of the infinite.

In this world and with these bodies it is the case that with too little water we perish from thirst. Too much and we drown. Too little food and we starve. Too much and we explode. When we find the balance between too much and too little then we arrive at just right, perfection.

Balance is natural in the universe, for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction and the energies of the worlds are neither created nor destroyed. This teaching embraces the truths of existence and aims to restore natural balance of our bodies, hearts and minds. Deriving its power from following universal truth, this teaching brings us out of error and mistaken beliefs and aligns our lives with the eternal, boundless, perfection of existence.

Are you sick? Do have chronic or debilitating illnesses? Do you just not feel well, but can’t find anything specific? Is your heart lacking in passion, empathy, or joy? Is your mind wracked with twisted, painful thinking? Are you weakened by doubts and fear? A sense of purposelessness? Do you know the life your living is wrong but you cannot find the inspiration to change? Do you feel the pain of the world is dragging you into darkness and you can’t find hope?

These are the afflictions of a world, a society, and a body that has lost touch with the truth, fallen out of balance, and descended into a perversion of the perfection we can enjoy.

I’ll give you this promise. The world is indeed balanced and perfect. The deepest and darkest evil and misery we can find on this earth meets its match in the purity and joy we can find in the Ultimate. No matter the depth of your suffering you can find the healing that is equal to it.

Sometimes people reach the bottom of suffering. At that lowest point they cry out: “Whatever powers that exist in the world, whatever their names are, I cannot help myself, and I can’t suffer any longer, from the bottom of my heart and the depth of my being, whatever it takes please help me!”

For those of you reading this who have touched that depth, if you seek help from Holy Ziguang Shang Shi and his Guang Huan Mi Zong teaching with the same sincerity and humility, the mercy of God and the Universe can pass through him and answer your prayer. Not only will your suffering be relieved, but if you seek it, you can soar to the heights of joy that mirror the deepest depths of despair and there you will find the greatest bliss anyone can achieve.

For the weary who want rest, the seekers who want to find, and broken who want to be made whole this is the teaching that you have been looking for.